How can I see how many courses are assigned to a group?

Understanding how you can manage your courses through groups.

This article is for Training Managers

There are a couple of ways you can see what courses are available in groups. 

Course View

Navigate to the courses tab at the top of the training manager system. From there you will be able to the groups column, if the course has been assigned, you'll see the count in the column. 

Course view

If you click the pale blue "groups" button, you will be able to see which groups the course appears in. 

Groups View

Navigate to to groups tab at the top of the training manager system. Find the group you would like to look at and press the "view courses" button: 
Groups button

You can see the courses that are turned on as they will have a tick next to them. You can see a summary by scrolling down to the bottom, the total in the brackets is the total that are available for learners. 

Course, group view


You can use the filter selected button at the top to bring all the turned on courses to the top of the list. All you need to do it tick the box and the system will bring them up for you to scroll through.

courses filter